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HI‐LIFT in Retracted Position

The Vertical Cask Transporter Design Evolution Reaches the Plateau of Maturity & Versatility

The New Generation Vertical Cask Transporter (HI‐LIFT) Positioned Over a HI‐STORM 100 Cask
The New Generation Vertical Cask Transporter (HI‐LIFT) Positioned Over a HI‐STORM 100 Cask

We are pleased to report that the fifteen yearlong campaign to improve the heavy haul transporters used to move dry spent fuel storage casks has now reached a level of maturity that rivals other Holtec ancillary equipment used to load spent fuel into casks. In the photos below we show the recently designed vertical cask transporters, sold under the trade name HI-LIFT. HI-LIFT is co-produced by the Holtec Manufacturing Division (HMD, Pennsylvania) and J&R Engineering (Wisconsin). The first units entered service in mid-2013 and have fully lived up to industry’s expectations of ruggedness and versatility. (more…)

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