Holtec to provide a Fleet of HI‐STAR Transport Casks to SKB for Land and Sea Transport of Spent Fuel and Core Components

We are pleased to announce Holtec has been awarded a contract by Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB (SKB) to replace their existing fleet of transport casks with Holtec’s HI-STAR 80 casks for shipment of BWR and PWR spent nuclear fuel and core components from Sweden’s Oskarshamn, Forsmark and Ringhals Nuclear Power Plants to SKB’s central interim storage facility (CLAB). SKB’s new ship, the MS-Sigrid, will be used to transport the casks by sea from Sweden’s Forsmark and Ringhals plants to the CLAB facility. The casks may also be used for international transports. The HI-STAR 80 casks will transport 12 PWR or 32 BWR high burnup fuel assemblies (above 45 GWD/MTU) with cooling times as short as 18 months. (more…)

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