Primary Inventor: Krishna P. Singh
Contributing Inventor(s): Indresh Rampall, Frank Sanderlin, Joseph Rajkumar
Date of Publication: Jul. 9, 2019
Status: Granted
Jurisdiction: US
Assignee: Holtec International, Inc.
Equipment Type: Air Cooled Heat Exchanger
Docket NumberHOL-051
Application Number: 15/715,897
Patent Number(s): US 10,343,240 B2

Prior Publication Data: US 2018/0029175 A1, Feb. 1, 2018

Related U.S. Application Data:

  • Continuation of application No. 14/123,678, filed as application No. PCT/US2012/040806 on Jun. 4, 2012, now Pat. No.  US 9,770,794 B2.
  • Provisional application No. 61/493,208, filed on June 3, 2011.

Abstract: A vertical bundle air-cooled heat exchanger, In one embodiment, the invention can be a vertical bundle air-cooled condenser comprising: at least one tube bundle assembly comprising; a tube bundle comprising a plurality of finned tubes arranged in a substantially vertical and side-by-side orientation, each of the plurality of finned tubes comprising a cavity; a top header pipe comprising an inlet header cavity operably coupled to a source of steam; a bottom header pipe comprising an outlet header cavity for collecting condensate; top ends of the plurality of finned tubes coupled to the top header pipe and the bottom ends of the plurality of finned tubes coupled to the bottom header pipe; and, a shell having an open, top end and open bottom end, the at least one tube bundle assembly positioned within the shell.