Primary Inventor: Krishna P. Singh
Date: December 4, 2018
Status: Granted
Jurisdiction: US
Assignee: Holtec International, Inc.
Equipment Type: HI-STORM 100U
Docket Number: HOL-054
Application Number: 14/344,013
Patent Number: US 10,147,509 B2

Prior Publication Data: US 2014/0226777 A1, August 14, 2014

PCT Filed
: September 10, 2012
PCT No: PCT/US2012/054529
PCT Pub. No:  WO 2013/036970 A1
PCT Pub Date: March 14, 2013

Related U.S. Publication Data: Provisional application No. 61/532,397, filed on September 8, 2011.

Abstract: A ventilated system for storing high level radioactive waste, environment, such as nuclear fuel, in a below-grade environment, in one embodiment, the invention is a ventilated system comprising an air-intake shell and a plurality of storage shells that are interconnected by a network of pipes configured to achieve double redundancy and/or improved air delivery. In another embodiment, the invention is a ventilated system that utilizes a mass of low level radioactive waste contained in a hermetically sealed enclosure cavity, the low level radioactive waste providing radiation shielding for high level radioactive waste stored in a storage cavity of said ventilated system.